Name * First Name Last Name Email * Country * City * Are you willing to attend peaceful protests? * Yes No Are you willing to come to in-person or online meetings to discuss future protests? * in-person meetings online meetings both in-person & online meetings no meetings about protests for me right now thanks What types of action(s) would you be interested in? Attend protests Attend meetings about protests Attend events Organize protests Organize events Local meet-ups Post on social media Recruiting volunteers Outreach to public figures Write to elected officials (everyone should do this) Write articles Create art for: website, banners, posters, social media, street art Videography / photography / editing Programming / webdesign Conduct public opinion polls Lobby elected officials Legal advice Advertising Accounting Donate, crowdfunding or direct (see donate page) How would you like to help? If you check one of the action options above please elaborate. How many hours per week could you spend volunteering? 1 - 2 2 - 5 5 - 10 10 - 15 15+ LinkedIn URL If you are in possession of specific professional skills that you can bring to Stop AI, please provide a link to your LinkedIn profile. This will help us prioritize your onboarding. How did you hear about us? * Receive email updates? * Yes No Thank you!